Find Companies
in the Buying

80% of the B2B customer journey
is spent researching independently online.

IntentHub collects and processes
early buyer intent signals from
over 1 mln B2B websites,
providing actionable insights
into in-market accounts.

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Trusted by
the Best in B2B

Use cases waves

Revenue-Generating Team
Needs Intent Data

Whether you're in sales, marketing, or customer success,
third-party intent data allows you to identify accounts
that are likely to convert or churn — and act on them quickly.

  • Send a comparison brochure to your prospect that is looking for
    a competitor brand
  • Add an extra layer of data to your scoring model
    by identifying growing buyer intent from
    your target accounts towards your niche
  • Alert account owners when their accounts are showing buying intent so that they can reach out and message accordingly
  • Launch a hyper-targeted ABM campaign for accounts in your region & your target vertical interested in your topic
  • Monitor how buyer intent towards your brand is growing or decreasing across different verticals
  • Build a list of accounts demonstrating intent towards your topics, even before you launch your own website
  • Qualify and prioritize inbound leads based on their level of buyer intent
Customer Success
  • Track existing clients’ intent towards competitors and intervene proactively with offers and feature updates

How it works?

Get a list of companies in the market for your solution in 3 steps

Define Intent Topics

Add keywords your ICP prospects are
potentially interested in:

  • Problems or tasks they deal with
    (e.g. Marketing Automation)
  • Concepts and frameworks they're into
    (e.g. Scrum)
  • Competitor brands they may be evaluating
Intent Topics

Get Specific About Your ICP

Narrow down your search by identifying your true ICP accounts. Filter by intent locations, company industry, headcount or HQ location.

You can also upload your ICP companies' sites
to benchmark buyer intent in a few clicks.

your icp

Share & Act on Your Account List

Your account list is ready to work with.

Share access to IntentHub with your colleagues or export spreadsheets for team collaboration.

Account lists get updated automatically — you'll get alerts when net new accounts are added.

your account list
Pricing waves


Free trial
7-day free trial
  • Data is updated weekly
  • Valid for 7 days
  • 10 topics
  • 5 filter changes per week
  • 1 owned hub + 1 shared hub
  • Email notifications
  • Top-100 results
  • Export up to 100 companies
  • 1 user
$ 4,999 /year
  • Data is updated weekly
  • 20 topics
  • Unlimited filter changes per week
  • 3 hubs
  • Email notifications
  • Top-1,000 results
  • Export up to 1,000 companies
  • Unlimited users
  • CRM integration
Get in Touch

Have a question?

No, third-party intent data is collected from a scope of external websites and processed with AI algorithms.

Here's an example: when somebody from IBM visits to read an article about Cybersecurity, our technology will capture this. Eventually, when we capture more visits than normal from different people at IBM to various content assets about Cybersecurity, IBM will be marked as a company having 'high intent' towards this topic.

There are millions of websites from which intent will be captured, ranging from major publishers like Forbes to small B2B sites.

IntentHub's parent company is N.Rich, an Account-Based Marketing platform with a proprietary ad tech that has access to over 100 million ad impressions from over 1 million of websites every day. N.Rich has been around since 2015 and has General Electric Healthcare, Powell Software, Rise Up as its clients among others.

Its machine learning algorithm processes ad impression data at the account level and provides insights into which topics trigger the most interest from your target accounts.

Google Trends provide insights into the popular keywords searched on Google. Unlike IntentHub, it doesn't provide any details about the users that performed the search i.e. you'll never know who searched for this particular keyword or topic.

Third-party intent data providers like IntentHub use technology that monitors thousands of B2B websites and collects intent data at the company level.

Both Bombora and IntentHub provide third-party intent data at the company level. Both products show topics, keywords and brands that trigger the attention of your prospects across the web.

Here is how IntentHub is different from Bombora though:


IntentHub is a company from Helsinki, Finland. If you’re targeting EMEA markets, a Europe-based provider is your best choice. IntentHub utilizes more European data sources and provides better insights into buyer intent signals across EMEA.


IntentHub is using data from N.Rich, an ABM provider that has proprietary advertising technology with access to over 100 mln ad impressions from millions of websites every day. This allows us to offer ≈5x lower cost of intent data compared to Bombora. IntentHub pricing is public and transparent for everyone.


IntentHub is the only self-serve 3rd-party intent data provider. You can sign up, invite colleagues, and start using intent data right away no qualification calls and no need to wait for weeks to start using the data.

Both ZoomInfo and IntentHub provide third-party intent data at the company level. Both products show topics, keywords and brands that trigger the attention of your prospects across the web.

Companies choose IntentHub over ZoomInfo for:


ZoomInfo is usually chosen for its sales intelligence and contact data capabilities but its 3rd-party intent is a “tick-in-the-box” feature. If you’re looking for pure intent data at a ≈5x lower cost, IntentHub is your best choice.


IntentHub is a company from Helsinki, Finland. If you’re targeting EMEA markets, a Europe-based provider is your go-to tool. IntentHub utilizes more European data sources and provides better insights into buyer intent signals across EMEA.


IntentHub is the only self-serve 3rd-party intent data provider. Sign up, invite colleagues, and start using intent data right away no qualification calls and no need to wait for weeks to start using the data.

IntentHub is a European platform that is 100% GDPR-compliant. The data collection is consent-based and we neither collect nor store individual contact data.

Please be aware that IntentHub will provide insights only into the accounts (=companies) that demonstrate intent towards a particular topic or brand. You'll need to use external contact data providers if you want to identify the actual persona from those accounts for the outreach.